How to clean a criminal record

Certain individuals may be eligible to clean and have their criminal record expunged. Depending on the case, some convictions may be expunged from the record to indicate that they were…

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Criminal bars to citizenship

If you are thinking about applying for American citizenship, you should know that there are criminal bars to citizenship that prevent you from obtaining such status. For example, having received a…

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What is battery in law

In this blog we explain what is exactly the crime of battery in law. One of the most common in the country and particularly in California. If you have been charged…

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Robbery in California

In this article we analyze the laws related to the crime of robbery in California. One of the most common and well-known criminal offenses in state courts.    The theft lawyers at Lluis Law…

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Assault with a deadly weapon

In this article we cover everything related to assault with a deadly weapon, which is another of the crimes that our violent crimes lawyer deals with. California Penal Code 245 defines it as the intentional…

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What is assault

In this blog we explain in detail what assault is, a violent crime that is severely punished in California. Assault is the intentional attempt to cause physical harm or threaten injury…

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Carjacking in Los Angeles

In this article we talk in detail about carjacking, a serious crime in Los Angeles and the rest of California. Here you will find the elements that constitute this crime, the…

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